Australian Association of Environmental Education - SA Chapter
AAEE SA Chapter has a strong focus on Professional Development. The network aims to bring together all interested parties working across sustainability education.
Australian Youth Climate Coalition
AYCC’s transformative summits, led by AYCC volunteers, are an inspiring and informative experience for high school students.
Sustainable Schools SA
Whole school approach
This approach integrates the Australian cross-curriculum priority, sustainability into all elements of school life.
Sustainability fact sheets
Fact sheets on energy, biodiversity, water, waste, transport and more.
A guide to becoming a sustainable school
Education for Sustainability: a guide to becoming a sustainable school - Australian Sustainable Schools Initiative SA.
Natural Resources SA
Natural Resources Adelaide and Mount Lofty Range’s NRM Education program – includes case studies and tools for schools to explore EfS.
Murray-Darling Basin teaching resources - including a focus on water, plants and animals, food gardens, waste, energy and school sustainability planning.
Case Studies from SA
Allenby Gardens Primary School
Foundation case study - maths, science and ICT in the garden:
Teacher Profile - Mary-Alice Williams, primary specialist master teacher:
Sustainable Schools SA
A range of case studies: